Kids Crossing

Kids Crossing

Every Sunday all children (babies through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. We are passionate to see kids learn about Jesus in a way they can understand!

We would love to have you and your family visit Kids Crossing this Sunday. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

Your First Visit

First, we are so excited to meet your kids! There is nothing more important than helping our children know and follow Jesus and have a lot of fun along the way :) 

As you enter the lobby head over to our Kids Crossing check-in kiosks. One of our volunteers will help you register your kids and lead you to their age-appropriate rooms.

We will ask for the following information: family members’ names, children’s names and birth dates, address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child.

How check-in works

Once your child is registered on your first visit, you may use the self check-in kiosk. Find your child’s name in the database and follow the instructions. A printer will give you and your child matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you keep the matching tag. After the service, you will return to your child’s room and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.

In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we’ll text you (if you’ve shared your information), or your child's number will appear on the lower right corner of the screens up front. 

The Ride Home

On your way home, be sure to ask your child questions like, “Did you have fun?” and “What did you learn today?” It’s our goal that every child has a clear and positive answer to these two questions, every week! See you Sunday!

We're in our BUILDING!
Join us in our new home - 2715 Old Hwy 50. W, Clermont
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